Was the chief guest as the Itesot celebrated their heritage day in Kumi District today. On this occasion, the Itesot from across East Africa congregate to celebrate their heritage and culture.

When the NRM government restored cultural institutions in the early 1990s, it was partly to support integration. We have been told how the Iteso, who are scattered across the East African region, are united by this celebration.

As you celebrate, your focus should be on prosperity. How can one be prosperous in the modern world? Modern economies depend on the selling of goods and services. The more people you sell to, the more revenue you earn, thus prosperity.

In promotion of your heritage, therefore, make sure it does not collide with prosperity. Do not only concentrate on identity, look at interests and prosperity.

I am very glad that the Ateker group are no longer killing one another like was the case in the past where we had the Matheniko killing the Bokora, who in turn were raiding the Jie, etc. The disarmament exercise was instrumental in halting this.

Finally, I join His Highness the Emorimor to echo the message that the first school is the home. It is where we set the moral foundation for our children. Also, it is possible for tradition to co-exist with modernity. Our people should know this.

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